The 2 Best Phone Cameras in the World.

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Could you see yourself ever using something like the Xiaomi Concept Phone 🤔 Go to for 4 extra months of Surfshark at an unbeatable price!
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Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @MrUnknownXD
    @MrUnknownXD 25 дней назад +10942

    In a world where companies like Xiaomi are developing phones like this, Apple just can't justify a $600 phone with a single camera and 5 year old 60hz notched display 😭🙏

    • @maevwat
      @maevwat 25 дней назад +404

      apple tax be like

    • @StrangerWasThere
      @StrangerWasThere 25 дней назад +223

      spitting fax

    • @Salesman.5690
      @Salesman.5690 25 дней назад +41


    • @nonyourbusiness165
      @nonyourbusiness165 25 дней назад +164

      What do you expect, its apple...

    • @imjody
      @imjody 25 дней назад

      People need to just stop buying Apple Inc products; the garbage company.

  • @Trdrsvw
    @Trdrsvw 25 дней назад +5415

    1. This is a genius innovation from Xiaomi.
    2.Something wrong with your haircut.
    3. Making a video comparison between 16 pro and the Xiaomi concept for the "sponsor" is even more genius.

    • @ClockB
      @ClockB 25 дней назад +265

      Yeah the first time ever I watched the full sponsor section

    • @Youbutnotyou-tube
      @Youbutnotyou-tube 25 дней назад

      dude just search for moto mods this isnt that new

    • @josja3454
      @josja3454 25 дней назад +24

      @ClockB me too haha

    • @iwanme101
      @iwanme101 25 дней назад +56

      It's not new. Motorola had Motomods few years back and an external camera module with cooperation with Hasselblad called True Zoom. The only problem was that the camera itself was nothing special there.

    • @D.e.v.o.n.
      @D.e.v.o.n. 25 дней назад +68

      Yeah what’s going on with his hair

  • @_saiaj_
    @_saiaj_ 25 дней назад +3320

    This is gonna be crazy for vloggers. It's like that's your main phone but turns into an actual vlog camera. That's the best concept phone I've ever seen!

    • @Darkest_matter
      @Darkest_matter 25 дней назад +21

      people already just use their phone for vlogging anyway

    • @joshualuis2
      @joshualuis2 25 дней назад +170

      ​@@Darkest_matterI think he's talking about the quality

    • @timlolxP
      @timlolxP 25 дней назад +22

      This is great for a niche of people. Most people dont need it bc the cameras on phones are already good enough for the average smartphone user.
      Still cool concept but it wont be coming in the mainstream market ever, bc in the end its expensive and you have to carry something extra which defeats the convenience of a smartphone camera.

    • @bolohosamah
      @bolohosamah 25 дней назад +44

      @@Darkest_matter travelers would certainly happy to have that phone.

    • @DesmondKarani
      @DesmondKarani 25 дней назад +13

      As a Xiaomi user, I wish Samsung, iPhone, and Google made that mod for their phones because I can't stand MIUI, sorry, HyperOS, regardless of how good that concept is. I had to install a custom ROM on my phone a few months after purchasing Xiaomi

  • @gnturibi
    @gnturibi 22 дня назад +68

    One thing I like about a UK reviewer is that he'll give you updates in English about Chinese phones without the baggage

  • @x3merx3mer
    @x3merx3mer 25 дней назад +9088

    We all got the one big takeaway from this: never argue with your barber.

    • @rajushankar3015
      @rajushankar3015 25 дней назад +604

      lol i was checking the comments if i only noticed it 😆

    • @SmartiesStuffz
      @SmartiesStuffz 25 дней назад +239

      i was also searching if someone's really noticed it or not😂

    • @emjay6387
      @emjay6387 24 дня назад +72

      @@SmartiesStuffz same here 🤣

    • @LelouSMash
      @LelouSMash 24 дня назад +89

      I rewinded thinking I'm seeing things😂

    • @YanzoTree
      @YanzoTree 24 дня назад +50

      I was scrolling through the comments trying to see if someone realised

  • @Ronnie_R87
    @Ronnie_R87 24 дня назад +669

    that Xiaomi setup is the dream of every street photographer who wants to quickly snap pictures without having to carry the camera around. I would totally buy it.

    • @gladinguna2500
      @gladinguna2500 24 дня назад +5

      Ya. Me too

    • @Director_Ohi
      @Director_Ohi 24 дня назад

      What happened to your HAIR??

    • @RaveN_EDM
      @RaveN_EDM 23 дня назад

      Not really cuz it's not a phone that most people (in the west) can use daily as a primary phone so they'd have to carry it as a secondary device anyway and at that point just get a high end point and shoot or small mirrorless and pancake lens.
      Great if you live in China. Not great if you live in the west and your country bans those phones or at least make it a pain in the ass to use.

  • @Nandish-t4k
    @Nandish-t4k 25 дней назад +143

    I think that a "Most innovative smartphone/ phone accessory" category needs to be added in the yearly awards. I got soo excited hear you talking about finally having access to physical hardware of highend professional cameras, with the easy-to-use and smartphone processing power

  • @Silentgamer-tsg
    @Silentgamer-tsg 19 дней назад +23

    Not Aron going out with the pokeball haircut 😂😂

  • @benjy_nla
    @benjy_nla 25 дней назад +419

    This phone is a game changer! I can imagine using it as a face cam for a RUclips video or a livestream. The camera has the same level of quality as the much more expensive cameras.

    • @Suthar5678
      @Suthar5678 24 дня назад +1

      Hey man what's the logo beside your name

    • @benjy_nla
      @benjy_nla 24 дня назад +5

      @ I’m a music artist. I used to publish phonk music to this channel and stopped and changed to making funny parody songs instead 🙂

    • @Suthar5678
      @Suthar5678 24 дня назад

      @B3NJY_NLA I appreciate you man
      Keep it up
      All the best from my side 👍

    • @Seth_Arkada
      @Seth_Arkada 24 дня назад +1

      Oh yeah, could easily see it replacing many webcams via DroidCam OBS or a similar app.

    • @TheDeltaMoo
      @TheDeltaMoo 22 дня назад +1

      How cheap do you think this would be 😂 It has a M4/3 sensor, a decent camera with a sensor that size and much better video can be like $500 or something. This phone with the extra camera would probably cost around or over $2000

  • @sonicinfinex
    @sonicinfinex 25 дней назад +4896

    Bro won't even bother with the 16e

    • @Farhan_049
      @Farhan_049 25 дней назад +122

      I'm surprised Mr. Mobile did!

    • @normalchannel2185
      @normalchannel2185 25 дней назад +326

      Makes sense, its basically the iphone 16 but worse at just 100 bucks off. Like the only reason the 16e exists is because they want to 'entice' people who are kinda scared of the 700 USD price mark, and when they see how many more features the 16 has compared to the 16e they'll just buy the 16.

    • @dariusdareme
      @dariusdareme 25 дней назад

      ​​@@normalchannel2185 It's not a phone that any tech enthusiast cares about buying. As in , the people that watch these kins of videos.

    • @marceelino
      @marceelino 25 дней назад +171

      No need to bother with apple products at all

    • @iTheGeo
      @iTheGeo 25 дней назад +39

      @@marceelino Yeah man, literally nobody cares about the mobiles of the most popular mobile company in the world. So glad about such bright comments, they elevate the channel's quality...

  • @riddy3
    @riddy3 24 дня назад +358

    Absolute game changer. Ever since Xiaomi's first phone + camera lens concept I was hoping to see a followup.

    • @pauL3gend
      @pauL3gend 16 дней назад +1

      Sony Xperia and wireless modular DSC-QX1 zeiss lens already did this and was not a concept.

  • @aryan1645
    @aryan1645 21 день назад +5

    Dude the production value of your videos have drastically improved, and that shouldn't have been possible

  • @EliCope-i9k
    @EliCope-i9k 23 дня назад +315

    As some one who is really into photography, this really excites me, this is a crazy product with loads of potential.

    • @CroatianMinecrafter
      @CroatianMinecrafter 17 дней назад +5

      I agree, I love photography but due to a busy schedule I rarely get to take my camera out and actually do photography, but I have many opportunities to take pictures with my phone.
      Being able to carry a lens with me and just snap it on my phone would be a gamechanger and a really good stepping stone for people who are interested in photography but aren't sure if they want to spend extra for a digital camera.

    • @koushiroizumi0
      @koushiroizumi0 16 дней назад

      @@CroatianMinecrafter Look up Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom.

    • @thomaselers7416
      @thomaselers7416 9 дней назад

      The price is also crazy..... Expensive.

  • @SonGoku-dm4gr
    @SonGoku-dm4gr 25 дней назад +71

    what I like with this channel is the variety of tech being reviewed unlike MKBHD that is limited to Phones and tech being supported by telco subscriptions in US

    • @4jay_singh
      @4jay_singh 24 дня назад +17

      MKBHD is just overrated

  • @TanjimTheTechGuy
    @TanjimTheTechGuy 25 дней назад +892

    Chinese companies are really innovative. Samsung, Apple are just.. meh.

    • @spidystories
      @spidystories 25 дней назад +8

      Samsung is from China talk on iphone shhh

    • @saile-aep
      @saile-aep 25 дней назад +101

      @@spidystoriesits not, but go on

    • @soundscape26
      @soundscape26 25 дней назад +154

      @@spidystories Bro, Samsung is South Korean

    • @Retronyx
      @Retronyx 25 дней назад

      xiaomi and samsung W
      fk apple and their western trash

    • @AsrafulIslam-uq8jt
      @AsrafulIslam-uq8jt 25 дней назад

      Samsung is a Korean brand dude 🙄​@@spidystories

  • @Thamios
    @Thamios 19 дней назад +6

    I would have loved it if you could simply ‘twist to secure’ the lens on the concept phone so that it clips into a secure location, allowing you to hold and maneuver the phone while holding the lens without the risk of it popping off or dropping the phone. Apart from that, I absolutely love the idea!

  • @Shakura-CR7
    @Shakura-CR7 24 дня назад +1006

    My phone has a camera❌
    My camera has a phone✅

    • @justinereich5956
      @justinereich5956 24 дня назад +10

      That's how it should be done. Why limit the size of the camera lenses when you can just put a DSLR camera. The problem with Samsung and iphone or other phones is they put limit on their camera lenses just to look slim and simple.

    • @Shakura-CR7
      @Shakura-CR7 23 дня назад +1

      @@justinereich5956 they are still very impressive as of today the only thing that need serious upgrade is battery and cooling .

    • @Michael-tz8df
      @Michael-tz8df 23 дня назад

      But at this concept phone, you have a phone, where a camera can be attached. We go back to "my phone has a camera" with that concept

    • @blackspider4
      @blackspider4 23 дня назад

      Samsung galaxy camera?

    • @Shakura-CR7
      @Shakura-CR7 23 дня назад

      @@blackspider4 what?

  • @abhinavyadav7085
    @abhinavyadav7085 25 дней назад +981

    mrwhosetheboss from his bedroom to this crazy setup is crazy

    • @MindQuestMania
      @MindQuestMania 25 дней назад +31

      I have been watching his videos for several years now and the quality differences have been astronomical. He has improved SO much in every single video

    • @omelette-vr
      @omelette-vr 25 дней назад +1


    • @SpheNxumalo-o2l
      @SpheNxumalo-o2l 25 дней назад +2

      It's very impressive 👏

    • @MSR0717
      @MSR0717 25 дней назад +2

      i think its a 8-10yr journey.

    • @trendingtracks871
      @trendingtracks871 25 дней назад +4

      It was an actic he was in

  • @乂
    @乂 25 дней назад +150

    this phone is a game changer for sure! it's crazy to see how far smartphone cameras have come. can't wait to see more reviews on it!

    • @sethstile1201
      @sethstile1201 25 дней назад +1

      How th do you have 5.98 million subs??

    • @z-z-z-m
      @z-z-z-m 25 дней назад +2


    • @z-z-z-m
      @z-z-z-m 25 дней назад

      @@sethstile1201 he bought the channel

    • @PotatoObliteratorGD
      @PotatoObliteratorGD 24 дня назад

      @@sethstile1201 bought account probably

    • @andyH_England
      @andyH_England 23 дня назад

      It is a concept phone; usually, 90% never make it to market. So I would not get too excited.

  • @adammartintv
    @adammartintv 23 дня назад +5

    When the Barber hears “Shave me” instead of “Xiaomi” and you correct too late…

  • @d00dieb0x
    @d00dieb0x 25 дней назад +742

    This Laserlink makes you wonder why we need complex inefficient wireless charging instead of simple pogo pins with magnets...

    • @code_name_uzi
      @code_name_uzi 24 дня назад +51

      exactly I've been asking for 6 years now

    • @OverCAT83
      @OverCAT83 24 дня назад +66

      The industry has just always been following trends not actually considering solutions. I hope in the future that normal people can just make their own phones from a mash up of different parts.

    • @phi_mango
      @phi_mango 24 дня назад +42

      Genuinely the lazerlink feels like something that would be incredible, it's like the magsafe of an iPhone but also with direct connection, It could work like wireless charging but so much faster

    • @moabbasi9460
      @moabbasi9460 24 дня назад +36

      Pogo pins can erode very easily, and attachment could fail. These companies don't want to release one that degrades without mass market testing, it would kill whatever standard is set within months. Qi2/Magsafe has undergone thorough testing and works extremely well.

    • @minhtrinh467
      @minhtrinh467 24 дня назад +9

      Well there's an issue with this concept. It's the environment. Yeh they might think of a material that held up for year but they cant defeat the corrosion and accidentally break the pins. Magnet wireless is much safer for daily use

  • @igniter_01
    @igniter_01 25 дней назад +586

    The background screen is a gamechanger for his videos

    • @z-z-z-m
      @z-z-z-m 25 дней назад +10

      What background screen?

    • @AAIZ001
      @AAIZ001 25 дней назад +3

      Cinderace is my fav Pokémon tooo

    • @JoeBloggz-x2j
      @JoeBloggz-x2j 25 дней назад +1

      It is?

    • @josja3454
      @josja3454 25 дней назад +1

      I think it is a green screen isn't it?

    • @nachiketjeyaraman
      @nachiketjeyaraman 25 дней назад


  • @Incognitoaf69
    @Incognitoaf69 25 дней назад +53

    So glad he is doing these phone and camera reviews more often now. They are definitely very helpful for people like me

  • @lonelychessdragon
    @lonelychessdragon 20 дней назад +3

    I really hope this hit the markets its a great concept, I'd buy it in a heatbeat

  • @tonylinks1013
    @tonylinks1013 24 дня назад +377

    Since when did Temu start offering barbing services 😮
    That haircut got my attention divided throughout the video 😂

    • @YC_252
      @YC_252 24 дня назад +2

      Facts bro🤣🤣

    • @blendcables4997
      @blendcables4997 24 дня назад +5

      Lol yeah wtf was that. He looked like clown barber probably had beef with our boy.

    • @moiez0192
      @moiez0192 23 дня назад

      seems like alopecia

    • @ClockB
      @ClockB 23 дня назад

      Why tf you guys think Temu cheap their value is billion times more than you

  • @SustainableUser
    @SustainableUser 25 дней назад +304

    9:47 Editor gone naughty 😂😂

    • @matevo7745
      @matevo7745 25 дней назад +15

      Arun lookin zesty there😂

    • @jah_141
      @jah_141 25 дней назад +5


    • @RealRameshBabu
      @RealRameshBabu 25 дней назад +1

      9:47 Sudden jumpscare 😅

    • @sahilkaul1
      @sahilkaul1 25 дней назад +1

      Seriously, saw twice to see if what I saw was real 😅

    • @Megafaiz7861
      @Megafaiz7861 24 дня назад +4

      It's in my head now.. I won't be able to get it out now

  • @ikelaiho
    @ikelaiho 25 дней назад +302

    When I was a Sony fanboy, I almost got the Xperia QX10 and QX 100. Which worked on a similar principle but used Bluetooth. The Sony system had the additional advantage of being usable a distance away from the camera.

    • @winngh
      @winngh 24 дня назад +10

      Yeah, so to me it's not impressive if the quality of the image is OK.

    • @clemente111
      @clemente111 24 дня назад +14

      ​@@winngh it's a separate sensor like the one on the concept phone,sony had that in like 2016

    • @deltamike6
      @deltamike6 24 дня назад +19

      Sony QX used wifi not Bluetooth.
      The same technology is in my hx60v.
      I've got the QX 10 but I dont use anymore, until now.

    • @盾神京矢
      @盾神京矢 24 дня назад +4

      I also almost bought that too, but I saw the possible connection issues with the Sony, and they were not much cheaper than an actual compact camera, so I ended up buying a camera from Nikon.

    • @skottu
      @skottu 24 дня назад +8

      I have one at home. Few years back, I bought a magsafe magnet ring from Amazon and tried with my iPhone. With proper lighting, images were better than my 12 pro max at that time. Xiaomi just copied the idea from Sony and magsafe from Apple.

  • @WiliiamNoTell
    @WiliiamNoTell 21 день назад

    These are definitely some exciting times for photography through a cell phone

  • @000Trauma
    @000Trauma 25 дней назад +42

    This is GENIUS. The idea that they can just make a flagship phone and add just the Laserlink to it and leave the option for the buyer to either buy or not buy the external camera is incredible.

    • @U.S.A.
      @U.S.A. 24 дня назад +3

      Sony did this before and it failed, it's called Sony DSC-QX100.

    • @陈一峰-y1r
      @陈一峰-y1r 24 дня назад

      Yes, we only need one camera for normal use or scan the QR code, they can be flat

    • @pelltuces
      @pelltuces 14 дней назад +1

      @@U.S.A. ​ @U.S.A. Why did it fail ? Because at that time people did not want to be complicated, the DSC-QX100 series had to be hooked up to your smartphone first and of course the quality provided was not comparable, even at that time the recorded video was full of jitter.
      Xiaomi uses a 2-pin magnet, don't worry, it's still a concept, they have no plans to sell it, and of course it's very new because the DSC-QX100 doesn't have this 2-pin magnet concept.

  • @-Mystik
    @-Mystik 24 дня назад +58

    I love how the first phone he showed looks like a classic camera. Mostly black with a silver top (hold it sideways with the camera on the left)

    • @bigmantrue1
      @bigmantrue1 24 дня назад +1

      The Best Phone Cameras.

  • @adricheeks
    @adricheeks 24 дня назад +50

    This LaserLink system has a potential of having a whole ecosystem of accessories

    • @kevinliao3657
      @kevinliao3657 24 дня назад +2

      Yes. That is the true innovative part here. Sony had this idea but didn't workout because they couldn't solve the lagging issue. Preview was like 5fps and that killed all the fun. Now that Xiaomi solved this issue, they can extend this idea to everything they make and they are literally making everything right now.

    • @Gamer-kn7fi
      @Gamer-kn7fi 23 дня назад +2

      yeah motorola tried something like that as well a few years ago giving a cool idears of what could be! They had Powerbanks Speaker setups a telezome addon as well as even a beamer you could slap onto the phone this kind of tech has so many incredable possabilitys

  • @LudovicoMisson
    @LudovicoMisson 23 дня назад +431

    The barber did you wrong bro💀

    • @Yamaguchi-jl7yr
      @Yamaguchi-jl7yr 22 дня назад +3


    • @Anonymous-y4e6y
      @Anonymous-y4e6y 22 дня назад +2


    • @TotallyRandomUserGoBrrt
      @TotallyRandomUserGoBrrt 21 день назад +5

      Jokes aside it might be alopecia

    • @jaeehovaa
      @jaeehovaa 21 день назад

      If it was you get a fade not whatever the hell this is lol​@TotallyRandomUserGoBrrt

    • @snorkley_
      @snorkley_ 19 дней назад +21

      @TotallyRandomUserGoBrrtnope just a shaver he tried don't worry

  • @StevenBamford
    @StevenBamford 24 дня назад +175

    Oh my word, that concept phone has mind blowing potential! It could mean that the internal camera could be removed, allowing more room for battery and it would last ages! But then you could snap the lens on whenever you need it and the camera app could initiate immediately after snapping the lens on. It could allow for full size camera sensors and interchangeable lenses. As a photographer, this is the most excited I have been about phones in years!

    • @lolartchallenger862
      @lolartchallenger862 23 дня назад +7

      I get your point but lets not remove the built in camera. The added camera is just an option to elevate your phone photography... I like it that way, the option to use quality lenses other than the built in cam

    • @emekag.ekwomadu8545
      @emekag.ekwomadu8545 23 дня назад +2

      @@StevenBamford Adding a basic quality camera to get good pictures and an external one for even more professional shot is really cool. That way you win on all fronts. If I ever forget my lens at home I won’t loose entirely

    • @StevenBamford
      @StevenBamford 23 дня назад +1

      @emekag.ekwomadu8545 yeah that's true, it might cause an issue of remembering equipment. Perhaps there can be just one integrated lens for general photography to save size inside and then additional options can be snapped on. The possibilities are almost endless

    • @StevenBamford
      @StevenBamford 23 дня назад

      They could potentially snap an extra battery on with the lens then snapping into that for extra battery. The lens sticks out anyway so the options for extra stuff opens up.

    • @StevenBamford
      @StevenBamford 23 дня назад

      @lolartchallenger862 yeah I get that. I was thinking about space saving. A good quality single lens might be handy for those times you don't have the pro lens with you. Just exploring possibilities 👍🏻

  • @Niek3457
    @Niek3457 25 дней назад +148

    That snap on camera is basically an evolution of the Sony DSC-QX10 which is from 2014.

    • @Mostafaalbutmah
      @Mostafaalbutmah 25 дней назад +10

      Exactly the first thing I remembered when it came out

    • @monoqoque
      @monoqoque 25 дней назад +10

      That was the first thing that came in my mind when i saw it. Sony did it with Bluetooth.

    • @sussei
      @sussei 25 дней назад +8

      I'm glad someone picked up that abandoned platform. I've always wanted one of those back then I hope they'll polish it more for mass market soon

    • @hharry5315
      @hharry5315 25 дней назад +5

      Due to wireless transmission problems, it takes a long time to set up each time, and the shooting delay is very large. Xiaomi cleverly uses optical communication to solve the problem of data transmission.

    • @oceanljm
      @oceanljm 25 дней назад +1

      Yes, but what did Sony do in the long decade after that???

  • @Yahula1edits
    @Yahula1edits 19 дней назад

    That laserlink is actually amazing, there is so much potential for external add ons to improve your phone.

  • @kobaltkraft5900
    @kobaltkraft5900 25 дней назад +54

    "Arun probably saw the 16e and said, ‘Nope, I’m out.’ 😂 It’s the tech equivalent of a horror movie villain!"

  • @tanaysaundattikar
    @tanaysaundattikar 25 дней назад +839

    12:38 something is wrong with bro's haircut, did Milo scratch you head that bad?🤣

  • @Yahya_Ahmad
    @Yahya_Ahmad 24 дня назад +27

    10:59 the barber really messed him up

  • @Milky-Space06
    @Milky-Space06 22 дня назад

    The background blur from the concept 4/3 lenses is amazing

  • @m.chilli2892
    @m.chilli2892 25 дней назад +101

    the 15 Ultra is already a game changer, till the concept phone strikes in... .damn imagine they fix the issues with the small battery size and get a hands on leica to work on the lens. BEAST

    • @nathanvrvrt
      @nathanvrvrt 23 дня назад

      There is also a phone out with a lens mount and sensor on the back. Like Xiaomi did. I think the concept phone will never come to market if they don't play it right

  • @christosibichan5370
    @christosibichan5370 25 дней назад +44

    Hi Arun, this comment will probably end up somewhere deep in the comment section but regardless of that, I wanna share my appreciation for your work.
    I watch your videos often and I'm pretty sure I haven't missed a single video you've uploaded. Your genuine passion, curiosity and interest is visible in your videos. The presentation style in which you're just talking to the audience like you would with a friend without hiding your personality is what makes me feel like I know you and would be glad to hang out with you if we met in person. Please keep up the good work and I'm glad you're able to explore your genuine curiosity while making a living out of it.

  • @rexaredim
    @rexaredim 24 дня назад +7

    For a moment i thought you weren't in your regular studio. Those panels for the background are really incredible.

  • @a_LaLi_LuLe_Lo
    @a_LaLi_LuLe_Lo 2 дня назад

    That external camera design makes me wonder if it has the potential to link to other phones with mag charging since it’s clearly designed in the same size and shape and it’s only powered by direct magnetic connection presumably with the phone having two way 30w mag charging which isn’t new in modern phones

  • @antonyabraham5112
    @antonyabraham5112 25 дней назад +535

    "Samsung", I hope you are watching this. This is what an "ULTRA" phone looks like

    • @ShankyBwaiii
      @ShankyBwaiii 25 дней назад +11

      Uk that the software in huawei is just ads right?

    • @silovr-vo9qj
      @silovr-vo9qj 25 дней назад +13

      You are right, man. This is a real ULTRA!

    • @Kraxons
      @Kraxons 25 дней назад

      There's only ads for their cheap low end phones if you pay over 300$ you won't get ads​@@ShankyBwaiii

    • @BelieveYourself-m7r
      @BelieveYourself-m7r 25 дней назад +19

      ​@@ShankyBwaiiithen what about green line that samsung intentionally do. Spending 1500bucks to get trash.

    • @UtubePremium-l2t
      @UtubePremium-l2t 25 дней назад +16

      Mi 15 ultra is using samsung isocell hp9 sensor..even vivo x200pro.. Hope samsung s26 lineup use their own sensor

  • @Aurora_JollyCraft
    @Aurora_JollyCraft 25 дней назад +31

    That Background is trippy,
    I really like it.

  • @ValerieLeach-l3g
    @ValerieLeach-l3g 25 дней назад +223

    Xiaomi is really developing, as it has 'value for money' phones while also inventing like crazy.

    • @RiadhGharbi-cf1sz
      @RiadhGharbi-cf1sz 24 дня назад

      China is truly the future, and no matter how much the US fights that fact, its getting more and more inevitable

    • @U.S.A.
      @U.S.A. 24 дня назад +1

      Sony did this before, it's called Sony DSC-QX100, it failed.

    • @khizrofficial3727
      @khizrofficial3727 24 дня назад

      ​@@U.S.A.Used Bluetooth.

    • @VantageYouth
      @VantageYouth 24 дня назад

      ​@@U.S.A. Well, it's about who did it better these days... Let's see where Xiaomi goes with this

  • @TheGFS
    @TheGFS 14 дней назад

    that concept phone is what i've been waiting for ! I hope it goes into production.. This could become such a cool ecosystem of lenses and all kinds of stuff and properly change the phone as a camera market

  • @randomengineer1774
    @randomengineer1774 25 дней назад +141

    Motorola did this like 10 years ago and they didn't even limit themselves to the camera. I remember they had a projector accessory that could attach to the back of your phone and project your screen on a wall.

    • @juanjo_segura
      @juanjo_segura 25 дней назад +30

      And Sony launched even before the QX10 and QX100 that essentialy were 99% te same concept as Xiaomi

    • @randomengineer1774
      @randomengineer1774 25 дней назад +1

      @josja3454 Agreed but my point is that this is nothing new

    • @ChrisParayno
      @ChrisParayno 25 дней назад +10

      Except the camera was worse then the build in camera. The concept was super cool though

    • @shang-hsienyang1284
      @shang-hsienyang1284 25 дней назад +15

      @@juanjo_segura one use laggy Wifi, the other use low latency light transmission. 99% the same?

    • @dfgaJK
      @dfgaJK 25 дней назад +3

      8:23 "nanosecond level" 😂😂😂😂😂 I.e 150000000ns

  • @李冬健-c5m
    @李冬健-c5m 24 дня назад +39

    Actually, If you look closely, there is a looming circle between those two little pins.That's the actual laser link.

    • @eventhori3on
      @eventhori3on 24 дня назад

      No its not.. That's the magnet. The pins are the conductors. Just like a normal camera and lens. Duhh!

    • @kevinliao3657
      @kevinliao3657 24 дня назад +1

      ​@@eventhori3on The pins are to power the camera. There is a tiny circle in between two pins, very difficult to pick up. That transmits signal.

  • @warkus123
    @warkus123 24 дня назад +8

    I love that snap on camera concept, then they can remove all the other cameras on the back too, only have 1 decently good camera for "emergency use" and use the rest of the space for other things like bigger battery, then when you wanna take photos you snap on the camera on the back and take better pictures than any other phone could even imagine.

  • @fledermau5801
    @fledermau5801 21 день назад +1

    I'm impatiently waiting for the nothing phone 3a review, when is it coming out?

  • @pok5555
    @pok5555 25 дней назад +70

    10:02 Jaw dropped! I can see this concept actually working. People buy Fuji or Sony cameras for this level of image quality-if Xiaomi delivers, it’s a game-changer. Shut up and take my money!

    • @gold9994
      @gold9994 25 дней назад

      Now they're suddenly a camera company with leica?

    • @sarazkekule6201
      @sarazkekule6201 25 дней назад

      I hope they dont giveup on this project

    • @petrushka2
      @petrushka2 24 дня назад +1

      So Xiaomi makes smart phones, tablets, wireless headphones, vacuum cleaners, television, cars, and now cameras. 📷

    • @SunFr-g1o
      @SunFr-g1o 24 дня назад +1

      @@petrushka2 much more

    • @JiuJitsuGuy24
      @JiuJitsuGuy24 24 дня назад +3

      lmai, as a professional photographer, this is still a joke🤣🤣🤣

  • @oseidwomoh
    @oseidwomoh 25 дней назад +124

    I think maybe we'll buy one of these. Now thats innovation. Thank you Arun. You owe me 13:09 of sleep.💤

  • @mugdho304
    @mugdho304 24 дня назад +292

    1:15 Anyone noticed? Arun has less hair on the left

  • @Jake-racing
    @Jake-racing 16 дней назад

    i love that you can still see the place you had hair cause of the pokemon razer

  • @SustainableUser
    @SustainableUser 25 дней назад +75

    9:16 Xiaomi be like: Does you professional camera have a phone?

  • @nothinghere4320
    @nothinghere4320 24 дня назад +24

    actually the link isn't via the pins,they are for charging,but in fact a hidden black "dot" between these pins that transmit signals via light,thus the name 《laser》link

    @4CHORDGUY 25 дней назад +6

    arun apart from the video the background its looking so immersive i thought 'Has he rended a freaking star wars set?' until i remembered the studio makeover and oh flufff this is the best investment you made

  • @MEKAshi11
    @MEKAshi11 18 дней назад +1

    Hoping for a full review/comparison video of Xiaomi 15 ultra

  • @captainswift8465
    @captainswift8465 24 дня назад +8

    I would love this to become pretty much standard across all mainstream flashvship phones (especially iPhones) in a couple years because it would mean you could record insane footage without having to rely excessively on artificial processing which seems to account for the vast majority of smartphone camera updates nowadays.

  • @SustainableUser
    @SustainableUser 25 дней назад +22

    2:56 Sniper's new backup 😂😂

  • @ADHD_facts-and-tips
    @ADHD_facts-and-tips 25 дней назад +120

    What's wrong with arun's head on the side 12:20

    • @Twisted026
      @Twisted026 25 дней назад +4

      Hé has no hair there

    • @sanskarkhatri4557
      @sanskarkhatri4557 24 дня назад +4

      It was the same que from me 😅

    • @Guus115
      @Guus115 24 дня назад +8

      His SmartRazor malfunctioned

    • @kimjohn3877
      @kimjohn3877 24 дня назад +2

      New haircut trend

  • @RideNBite
    @RideNBite 22 дня назад +1

    I see what the editor done here 9:46 🌚

  • @kingstontheoneandonly
    @kingstontheoneandonly 24 дня назад +55

    10:50 did you have a fight with your barber or something

    • @lirenm8586
      @lirenm8586 24 дня назад +4


    • @akshayvijayan8209
      @akshayvijayan8209 18 дней назад +1

      You have to go through some other videos

    • @wizman4202
      @wizman4202 13 дней назад +1

      I also had the same doubt from the start

  • @ChayaRosey6b
    @ChayaRosey6b 25 дней назад +153

    A "Most innovative smartphone/phone accessory" category ought to be included in the annual awards, in my opinion. When you mentioned that we would finally be able to purchase the actual hardware of high-end professional cameras with user-friendly interfaces and smartphone processing power, I became extremely excited.

    • @Taray0717
      @Taray0717 24 дня назад +5


      @URAZKIVANER 24 дня назад +1

      @@Taray0717 yes but leads to some actual nice lady 🤣🤣

    • @U.S.A.
      @U.S.A. 24 дня назад

      Google Sony DSC-QX100, it failed, it will fail too, it's a stupid idea.

    • @P4TRICCS
      @P4TRICCS 24 дня назад +1

      @@U.S.A. you do know that most of the smart sony phones are actually terrible phones that never really had a big reputation? It was doomed by other factors.

    • @LegionUkraine
      @LegionUkraine 24 дня назад +1

      "Most useless smartphone/phone accessory"
      No one will carry around a huge lens if they can take an equally large camera.

  • @kronos04
    @kronos04 25 дней назад +24

    The transition at 9:40 when u say beautification just killed me 😂

  • @boringdata5676
    @boringdata5676 21 день назад +1

    I'm curious how you got your hands on a Xiaomi prototype.

  • @ProlificGV
    @ProlificGV 25 дней назад +24

    1:27 s24 to s25 crisp transition 🤌

  • @relaxingCG
    @relaxingCG 25 дней назад +215

    5:32 What happened to your hair brother??

    • @YudycaPutra
      @YudycaPutra 24 дня назад +11

      I also wonder 😂

    • @theliamcooke
      @theliamcooke 24 дня назад +18

      he said he will explain in the next video

    • @iammortal-k4y
      @iammortal-k4y 24 дня назад +3

      same ques lol

    • @ThetruthTalker1312
      @ThetruthTalker1312 24 дня назад +3

      Haha same i was just about to comment 😢 💇🏽‍♂️

    • @MML66
      @MML66 24 дня назад +6

      There is a possibility that he was shaving his hair and the news of the phone being published came to him, so he must publish the clip so he can quickly become the first to publish this, or there is a clip of upcoming products, and there may be a smart shaving machine or something like that.

  • @ShashankMenon
    @ShashankMenon 25 дней назад +8

    that ai face beautification on Arun startled me 😂😂💀💀

  • @pejomsiram7641
    @pejomsiram7641 22 дня назад

    This would be so good when you wanna go on a trip to somewhere or capture some good things, you just need to carry a little pouch with you and get a camera, phone cameras are really good nowadays but there is always a different feel to actual camera

  • @noone-zl2di
    @noone-zl2di 25 дней назад +10

    6:47 sony had something similar to this for xperia z1 and z2 ,they connected using nfc.
    Sony cyber shot dsc-qx10.

    • @pickernit7284
      @pickernit7284 22 дня назад

      nfc cannot even compare with laserlink

  • @saurabhwarudkar4459
    @saurabhwarudkar4459 24 дня назад +10

    We need Xiaomi to take notes from this video...I feel the concept phone has a lot of potential. I would be very disappointed if this phone never saw the light of the day.

  • @lonestar_wanderer
    @lonestar_wanderer 24 дня назад +18

    Motorola already did this in 2016 with Moto Mods. Google Hasselblad True Zoom Moto Mod. Older Motorolas had pins in the back similar to this one.
    This isn't new, it's a reskin of a 2016 concept that never took off.

    • @U.S.A.
      @U.S.A. 24 дня назад +4

      Sony also did it, they called it Sony DSC-QX100, and that failed. It's a good thing that Motorola's concept failed because they did this in a really asshole way: the mod had the same sensor what was built into the phone, so the zoom lens was the only advantage, but to sell more mods they've disabled the raw capture option on the phone, so if you wanted to shoot raw you also had to buy the mod.

    • @LoganSLRLockwood
      @LoganSLRLockwood 24 дня назад

      And the Hasselblad motomod was a reskin of a 2014 Sony camera attachment which didn't do well either

    • @ThungStudios
      @ThungStudios 24 дня назад +3

      True, but that had a tiny sensor which was a marginal upgrade over the built in camera. This has a relatively huge 4/3 size sensor. That dwarfs any regular smartphone sensor

    • @lonestar_wanderer
      @lonestar_wanderer 21 день назад

      @ but that was the best external sensor on a phone 9 years ago. That was the latest and greatest technology at the time and the phone launched with Android 6 and a fingerprint button on the front

  • @jesperpedersen3729
    @jesperpedersen3729 15 дней назад +1


  • @SustainableUser
    @SustainableUser 25 дней назад +10

    9:56 I really hope this concept phone have a micro sd card slot and headphone Jack for external storage and for external audio source

  • @Une_loutre
    @Une_loutre 18 дней назад +1

    Did you know that in the studio, what's behind @Mrwhosetheboss Is not a green screen but hundreds of led panels that were used in the filming of The Mandalorian.

  • @TLguitar
    @TLguitar 25 дней назад +8

    The snap-on external camera is a cool concept, but at least with the concept unit you tested there _is_ noticeable enough latency between the outside world and the displayed capture. I don't know if it's due to the connector or perhaps due to the processing inside the external camera, but it is less responsive than you'd expect from an average camera. And while the optical depth of field is obviously more impressive and cinematic, I thought the automatic exposure adjustment was rather jittery (so hopefully they will improve that on commercial units).
    Also, I think they should make it so the external sensor can be fit with different lenses, like you do on a dedicated DSLR. If they intend to sell these to the public, offering separate varieties that fuse different lenses to the exact same sensor is pointless. You shouldn't buy the same sensor again just to use a different lens.

    • @normalchannel2185
      @normalchannel2185 25 дней назад +3

      I'll be honest, most phones i've seen have that slight latency, but yea maybe for the flagships its slightly laggy. And i do think they'll make it modular (i.e you have a base laserlink module, then you have any sensor you want to fit into it, and any lens you want to attach to it)

    • @TLguitar
      @TLguitar 25 дней назад +2

      ​@@normalchannel2185 I think the latency demonstrated in the video is definitely more than it is on any average phone, not even flagships. My current phone is a Redmi from a couple of years ago and it is much closer to real-time responsiveness.
      Regarding the modularity - I don't think they will make the connector its own module with people being expected to insert and take out small electronics such as image sensors, but making the lenses separate is definitely a must if they don't aim for maximum wastefulness.

    • @normalchannel2185
      @normalchannel2185 25 дней назад

      @TLguitar I also have a Redmi! Which one do you have? I have note 13 pro plus

    • @TLguitar
      @TLguitar 25 дней назад

      ​@@normalchannel2185 I still use my Redmi Note 10 Pro (so it's actually from 4 years ago rather than the literal _couple)._

    • @normalchannel2185
      @normalchannel2185 25 дней назад

      @TLguitar oof, cause rn the latency I saw in my camera app was almost exactly the same as the concept phone

  • @relaxingCG
    @relaxingCG 25 дней назад +11

    You made the best purchase by buying that background screen, It's really a heck of an upgrade..

    • @sarazkekule6201
      @sarazkekule6201 25 дней назад +2

      Does he have a video about that?

    • @relaxingCG
      @relaxingCG 25 дней назад

      @@sarazkekule6201 It's in his studio upgrade video that he made recently.

    • @relaxingCG
      @relaxingCG 24 дня назад +1

      @@sarazkekule6201 It's in his studio upgrade video

  • @derbene3475
    @derbene3475 12 дней назад

    I think some extra buttons would be good too. Then you can take the picture similar to a real camera and with the volume button you can focus or zoom

  • @mr.noir98
    @mr.noir98 24 дня назад +84

    1:40 brazil mentioned

  • @Green_mist
    @Green_mist 24 дня назад +8

    The transition edits on 1:26 is one of the best things I've seen on RUclips 2025 so far!

    • @isla2202
      @isla2202 24 дня назад +1

      Thank you that was my decision 😅

    • @Green_mist
      @Green_mist 21 день назад

      @@isla2202 please never stop, keep making cool decisions like that

  • @PuptronGaming
    @PuptronGaming 25 дней назад +4

    0:06 Can we just take a minute to honour this transition

  • @Alswat100
    @Alswat100 19 дней назад +1

    I would really skip on Samsung and apple new flagships if this phone comes to life but it only depends on how well Xiaomi is going to work on this innovation

  • @geeteshkarjavkar7879
    @geeteshkarjavkar7879 25 дней назад +261

    why anybody is not talking about his barber messing up at 0:33

    • @hithereureachedhari8427
      @hithereureachedhari8427 25 дней назад +6


    • @Marqgtfoh
      @Marqgtfoh 25 дней назад +15

      He said the next video will explain 😂

    • @Twentizz
      @Twentizz 25 дней назад +1

      you are latey buddty

    • @hydoffdhagaweyne1037
      @hydoffdhagaweyne1037 25 дней назад +13

      He is undergoing chemotherapy, show some empathy

    • @Marqgtfoh
      @Marqgtfoh 25 дней назад +10

      @hydoffdhagaweyne1037 I was hoping it wasnt something serious like that 😮‍💨

  • @kobaltkraft5900
    @kobaltkraft5900 25 дней назад +7

    "Arun saw the 16e and hit 'Ghost' faster than I hit ‘Skip Ad.’ 😂📱"

  • @NemesisFX
    @NemesisFX 25 дней назад +21

    9:46 mrwhosetheboss ❌️
    mrwhosethebaddie ✅️

  • @yohanstraiotto-t3s
    @yohanstraiotto-t3s 20 дней назад +3

    bro i wanna buy a good camera for when i go sight seeing in barcalona next month but they are all to expensive think you can help me out

  • @olive7254
    @olive7254 25 дней назад +20

    The Smoothest editing you will see in any tech video
    The reason why he's The OG of tech creators in RUclips

  • @_JethCodyKath
    @_JethCodyKath 24 дня назад +66

    Did you know?
    Sony actually made smartphones that could attach external camera lenses! Back in 2013, they released the QX series (QX10, QX100, and later QX1), which were lens-style cameras that clipped onto your phone and connected via Wi-Fi or NFC. They basically turned your phone into a high quality digital camera!

    • @mattdebyl8806
      @mattdebyl8806 24 дня назад +12

      Did you also know those cameras could be used with any phone, not just a specific model? Olympus also did this.

    • @omeletta9801
      @omeletta9801 24 дня назад +8

      Its basically a mirrorless e-mount camera which is natively compatible with any modern e-mount lens 11 years later, latched onto a phone
      Edit: its the sony qx1

    • @lovemademan
      @lovemademan 24 дня назад +2

      Sony were the first to have macro telephoto on a phone and an attached camera to an android phone many years ago. Now Xiaomi working with Xperia (and maybe to merge both companies into one, that Sony has a good experience in this kind of fusions) it's SUPREME!!!

    • @nipunaark8426
      @nipunaark8426 24 дня назад +4

      Here's hoping Sony does a new version - with faster connectivity.

    • @eraba661
      @eraba661 24 дня назад

      Man I was a big sony phone fan I loved Sony Ericsson Xperia my uncle had with something like gaming console attached, to it I used to game on it daily, as a kid it was my fav phone to ever exist, I hope they do more gimmick phones Its sad to see that they barely exist in phone market, If they made a good camera phone in 2025 with a gaming console I would buy it, also it had amazing screen as well for its time. I miss older times

  • @ElZilchoYo
    @ElZilchoYo 24 дня назад +36

    That concept is definitely going to be made into the Xiaomi 16/17 Ultra isn't it? It may be the future of high end photography too, where the software side is basically just a phone, but you slot that into your whole camera apparatus. Because like you said, the software on cameras suck, and taking out 2 devices sucks, but just carrying a lense that you slap onto your phone which has the latest chip compared to some camera stone age chip, well that's huge.

  • @dimaveter_8
    @dimaveter_8 21 день назад

    Wow! I can't believe what I'm seeing. The external magsafe lens looks like the innovation we waited for so long time!

  • @mimotojiyt
    @mimotojiyt 24 дня назад +6

    Is it just me or Arun is lookin like hes losing a kind of a chunk of his hair on his right side ?

  • @MindQuestMania
    @MindQuestMania 25 дней назад +7

    Mrwhosetheboss filming from his bedroom to this is literally INSANE

  • @Blu_beam99
    @Blu_beam99 25 дней назад +7

    At first when looking at the thumbnail i thought it was AI cause of the literal camera in the middle of the phone

  • @sherlocked8774
    @sherlocked8774 18 дней назад

    7:43, basically, there is a tiny semitransparent window between the two pins of concept Xiaomi phone, the phone provides electricity to external lens, and lens provides info of vision of 0101 binary daya by laser through the tiny window to the phone.

  • @sockonacab
    @sockonacab 25 дней назад +12

    There's nothing revolutionary. Sony made it's DSC QX series 10 years ago.
    Back then it was even more interesting since most phone cameras were garbage

    • @dimsunandthensome
      @dimsunandthensome 24 дня назад

      I had it backdays.....really bad experience since the connection with the phone is via Bluetooth and it was so freaking slow...

  • @iladshyanchess
    @iladshyanchess 25 дней назад +85

    11:59 What happened to your hair in your head? Is everything ok?

    • @sasikumarr3448
      @sasikumarr3448 24 дня назад +19

      I think any trimmer review 😂

    • @Crackstf
      @Crackstf 24 дня назад +6

      It looks lile a diamond

    • @Bob.brownlee
      @Bob.brownlee 24 дня назад +1

      He should have worn a hat or something to prevent from showing

    • @kilmerjplayz6462
      @kilmerjplayz6462 23 дня назад +1

      The patch is very circular looks like it’s on purpose

  • @AugustoValentini
    @AugustoValentini 23 дня назад +15

    That concept phone reminds me of the Moto Z series and its snap modules, which were the sole reason I owned Moto Z phones for years. They had a camera module made by Hasselblad which was fantastic. And there was even a Polaroid module which I've always wanted and could never find for sale.
    The best thing about them was exactly what this Xiaomi camera does, they magnetically snapped to the phone and started working instantly.

    • @nickspeck
      @nickspeck 22 дня назад +2

      Right. I'm not sure why everyone sees this as some revolutionary concept when Motorola literally did this almost 10 years ago. It's a great concept for sure, but I feel like people need to give credit where credit is due. Motorola was super forward thinking.

  • @adamcarlespie7377
    @adamcarlespie7377 6 дней назад

    I really want one - I had a Nokia 1020 with the camera case - that would work really well linked with this, an extra battery, better grip, you could even add a screw thread to add other lenses!