Veraslutwife @blowme1989 She'll mix you a cocktail while presenting her arse to you after a hard day at the office. Then, as you sip your drink, she'll tell you about her negotiations with the delivery man as she licks your cock.
Veraslutwife @blowme1989 Well, honey, the delivery man was quite assertive. He said he couldn't just leave his package on the doorstep, he had to bring it right inside. He drove a very hard bargain. Eventually I opened up and let him deliver ;-)
btlbfmlvr2003 that is a very sexy married whore....great ass, well qualified for my anal training program
@blowme1989 She'll mix you a cocktail while presenting her arse to you after a hard day at the office. Then, as you sip your drink, she'll tell you about her negotiations with the delivery man as she licks your cock.
At least that's what I do ;-)
@blowme1989 Well, honey, the delivery man was quite assertive. He said he couldn't just leave his package on the doorstep, he had to bring it right inside. He drove a very hard bargain. Eventually I opened up and let him deliver ;-)
that is a very sexy married whore....great ass, well qualified for my anal training program